This timeline of everything features key moments in Central Library, Edinburgh’s history, from its inception to its current parlous state precipitated by City of Edinburgh Council’s consented India Buildings hotel development and its new-build high-rise block located on Cowgate common good land, just 5m from the library’s west elevation of windows designed for daylighting all three floors of public rooms within the building.

The timeline of everything is divided into three sections:
- Historical background from 1886
- City of Edinburgh Council’s documentation regarding the library
- Published articles concerning Central Library, Edinburgh and the Let There Be Light campaign
3 – Press coverage (with commentary where appropriate)
Central Library petition to be considered by council
9 December 2018, Phyllis Stephen, Edinburgh Reporter
Virgin Hotel developers told to ensure natural light can enter library
4 October 2018, David Bol, Edinburgh Evening News (EEN)
2 June 2018, by David Black, Scottish Review of Books
Protestors vent anger over Virgin’s controversial Old Town hotel
31 May 2018, by David Bol, EEN
‘Money motivated ideas’ like Virgin Hotel are destroying Edinburgh say campaigners
30 May 2018, by Kieran Murray, EEN
Campaign calls for Edinburgh’s Virgin Hotel to be scrapped
28 May 2018, Ian Swanson, EEN
Monopoly Edinburgh – Selling a City
28 May 2018, by Mike Small, Bella Caledonia
Mike Small’s article also features a weblink to a .pdf of Carnegie’s Legacy, in Letters to the Editor, The Times signed by 19 notable literary, arts and academic figures including Professor Sir Tom Devine, Rory Bremner, Jackie Kay – Scottish Poet Laureate, Ian Rankin, Val McDermid, A L Kennedy and Alexander McCall Smith, also endorsed (albeit too late for publication) by Margaret Atwood – First Muriel Spark Fellow, urging:
“Edinburgh council to revoke this consent under Article 65 of the applicable planning legislation. Our libraries are precious cultural assets that must be cherished and passed on to future generations”
Virgin hotel that overshadows central library is a betrayal, say Scots writers
26 May 2018, by Mike Wade, The Times Scotland
Brian Donaldson: Virgin hotel will attract global tourists to Edinburgh
12 May 2018, by Brian Donaldson, Partner in charge of Scotland at Thomas & Adamson, EEN
Edinburgh firm to project manage city’s Virgin Hotel development
7 March 2018, by Diane King, EEN
Repairs backlog may close parts of Edinburgh’s main library
6 March 2018, by Ian Swanson, EEN
Edinburgh Central Library: The Coming of the Light
5 December 2017, © Ray Burnett. Commissioned by Bella Caledonia.
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